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America’s happiness score drops amid a youth ‘midlife crisis’


The United States is no longer among the world’s 20 happiest countries, according to a new report — with young people hit particularly hard and reporting lower levels of well-being than any other age group.

Toxic Workplace Culture 10 Times More Likely To Drive Employees Away, Study Shows


A toxic workplace culture is 10 times more likely to cause employees to quit than low compensation.

Life’s Too Short: 4 Reasons to Do What You Love for a Living


Happiness does not directly correlate with money: The link between income and happiness ends once someone earns $75,000 annually, according to a study by Purdue University.

Americans are the unhappiest they’ve been in 50 years, poll finds


Just 14% of U.S. adults say they're very happy.

After 2-year decline, suicide rates rise again


Suicide rates fell in 2019 and 2020. Experts are concerned that the uptick last year may represent a return to normal.

The Global Rise of Unhappiness


All leaders use indicators to measure progress. For example, if you asked CEOs what indicators they follow most closely, they would probably say revenue growth or share price. With world leaders, it's harder to know. Would they say GDP? Unemployment? The poverty rate? Maybe the Saudi king would say oil prices.

Toxic company culture is the No. 1 reason workers are quitting jobs, survey finds


Nearly one-third of employees are considering quitting their jobs and one-quarter resigned over the past six months, according to a FlexJobs survey.
The No. 1 reason for resigning was “toxic company culture,” with low salary, poor management and a lack of a healthy work-life balance following closely behind.
However, if you’re planning to leave, it’s important “not to burn any bridges,” experts say.

The Toxic Culture Gap Shows Companies Are Failing Women


Research shows that women are 41% more likely to experience toxic workplace culture than men.

Job Dissatisfaction Statistics And Trends In 2023


Are you feeling unhappy at work? You’re not alone. Job dissatisfaction is a growing problem that affects millions of people around the world.

85-year Harvard study found that people with this type of job tend to be the unhappiest


The unhappiest jobs are also some of the loneliest, according to an 85-year study from Harvard researchers.

America, we have a problem. People aren't feeling engaged with their work


A new report from Gallup finds that large numbers of workers, especially Gen Zers and young millennials, are not engaged with their jobs. And that could make their climb up the career ladder harder, as well as hurt companies' overall performance.

Toxic Culture Top Reason People Quit


Wanting to escape a workplace culture perceived as toxic is the primary reason people quit their jobs, according to new research. In fact, having a healthy culture is 10 times more important to employees than pay, the research found.

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